Some boys don't listen at all,
They don't ask for permission,
They lack inhibitions,
No walls, and they get what they want.
Death Cab is back with their seventh studio album, Codes and Keys. I've loved these guys for so long and it's kind of nice my collection always seems to be growing with their new music.
After a few listens, I familiarized with the easy-going sound of Death Cab which seems to be much more prominent in this new album. The slow, emotional and sad undertones of Ben Gibbard's lyrics are for the most part missing on this album. I would even go as far as to say the album is quite cheery.
During recording, Gibbard and Walla both commented on how they were looking for change and decided to move away from a guitar-based album and more towards a technological influence. I chose to post "Some Boys" because I think it shows this musical shift well and gives a good sample of the new album.
Death Cab for Cutie - Some Boys by ATL REC
Listen to more album tracks HERE
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